We made it!

Today is John’s first birthday, and part of me can’t believe we made it.  He’s alive and well.  This first year has been a learning time; I finally feel that I have a handle on motherhood.  A small grasp at least.  As I look back on the first 12 months, I realize that my timing was ok afterall – many people had opinions about how soon I should wean him, what solids to give him, what diapers to use, how to get him to go down for a nap, what to dress him in, and on and on…but as it turns out the path I took was just fine.  I’m encouraged to know that I can lean on my own instinct as well as prayer and research!

Finally, finally: here are the photos from Disneyland.  Enjoy!

1 Comment

  1. nana said,

    September 27, 2009 at 1:49 pm

    What wonderful memories for John on his first visit to Disneyland. Thanks, we enjoyed all the pictures.

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