The Fence is DOWN

If you live here at Vandenberg, you’ll understand my elation when I say the houses are done in my neighborhood and the fence is DOWN.  There has been major construction here and it’s nice to start seeing the end of it.  The housing office has assured me that we won’t have to move out of this house and into a new one until Rob returns from his deployment.  We’ll see…

Here are before and after photos of our street:

Aspen Street Before

Aspen Street After

Rob is going to be so surprised when he gets home.  He’s also going to be surprised because JD can now say ‘cracker’, ‘color’, ‘light’, ‘amen’, ‘dog’, ‘ball’, and ‘bumbles'(his bear).  I’ve also discovered that he is growing up like his daddy: he farts and burps and thinks it’s the the funniest thing on the planet.  Last night he even stood up in his bath (a real no-no) just long enough to pee in the bath water and then laugh hysterically.  I couldn’t help but laugh myself so I’m sure he’ll do it again.

Here is a photo of his new haircut which makes him look even more like dada

First High&Tight

And here are some photos that Rob took in Kabul and sent to me.  Seems primative and a bit stark, doesn’t it?

1 Comment

  1. nana said,

    February 9, 2010 at 8:12 am

    John looks so cute with his new haircut and is he ever talking up a storm.
    We appreciated the pictures from Rob in Kabul. It really does look stark but Rob looks good. Thanks

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